Test Methods
NIPT / NIPD – Non Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis (Measurement of fetal DNA in maternal blood – PraenaTest)
External Links
- The PraenaTest provider`s website: http://lifecodexx.com/home-english.html
- Bob Barrett interviewing Dr. Richard Rava, president and co-scientific founder of Verinata Health, on massively parallel sequencing of fetal DNA from maternal plasma.
General information about measurement of fetal DNA in maternal blood
- http://www.sequenomcmm.com/Home/Health-Care-Professionals/Trisomy-21/Performance-Data
- http://www.imalab.cz/images/file/en-clinic(mini).pdf
- https://services3.horizon-bcbsnj.com/hcm/MedPol2.nsf/MedicalPolicies/RFMI-8VQHHR
- https://www.smfm.org/attachedfiles/SpecialDeliveryv4.1.pdf
- The legal battle – Feud over NIPD patents